Selasa, 22 November 2011

My favorite hat


last sunday is the lazy day.
there's nothing to do besides look at the camera and tadaaaaa! take some photos

until......finally! take some photos at my lazy sunday is was fun!! and i also take some photos with my silly sister

Tapi akhirnya saya menemukan keseruan lain pada hari minggu termalas itu, yaitu..... make a hijab style with my way. and tadaaaaaa! my hijab is like a hat and i love it so much. maybe i will make a tutorial hijab on youtube :)

XOXO, Wina

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Birthday mini Dinner


17 november was my birthday. and yesterday I was make "the birthday mini dinner" with my college friends at skydining with the beautiful views of jakarta's night. hmmmm what a beatiful night! bahagia banget rasanya bisa kumpul kumpul sama teman teman kampus walaupun cuma sekedar makan malam yang gak seberapa, tapi kebersamaannya itu yang bikin gue makin sayang sama mereka hihi <3

in fact. This dinner is not just "my dinner". but some of my friends who birthday in the month of November is also designed for this dinner. so, it is our dinner. Who's they? here it is ...........

Puti, Me, Syela, Amal, Nadya. minus Randi

to show more exciting, so we made a game called "award-award an" hahaha jadi, mainannya tuh kayak kita milih salah satu dari kita yang ter-apalah gitu, samapi mereka masuk nominasi dan kepilih deh pemenangnya. Nah dibawah ini nih beberapa pemenang yang masih stay di tempat, soalnya udah ada beberapa yang pulang. so check this out.....

1. Nadya: TERlambat & TERgalak
2. Nida: TERlemot
3. Putri: TERpintar & TERkepo
4. Amal: TEReksis & TERhits
5. Manda: TERjutek, TERjorok, TERcuek
6. Ayas: TERrempong
7. Puti: TERbaik, TERrajin, TERcantik, TERsabar
8. Wina: TERatur
9. Ica: TERmalas, TERbawel
10. Intan: TERserah
11. Caca: TERseksi

XOXO, Wina

Minggu, 13 November 2011

oh God i really miss this moment

Bogor, kota hujan


yesterday me and my family, accompanied my aunt's fiancee, Alois to Bogor botanical garden. he really wanted to see the tropical forests in Indonesia, but, our family did not have time to go to Kalimantan or Sumatra to visit the real Indonesian tropical forests, so the choice is Bogor botanical garden.

but bogor is the rainy city. so, the weather is not support us to go to botanical garden. but alois is too excited to go to botanical garden so we decide to still go to botanical garden, but with the umbrella

Oh, sorry for this annoying photo, this is my favorite stuff for yesterday ;p

because the rain is too big, and even big thunder too. we decide to out of botanical garden and drink hot tea to warm our bodies. at least Alois had already visited one type of tropical forests in Indonesia, although not the 'real' :D

And this is Alois, my aunt and me.

xoxo, Wina <3